Celebrating an Empowered Voice

“I came to the conclusion that there is an existential moment in your life when you must decide to speak for yourself; nobody else can speak for you.” Martin Luther King Jr.

For many of us, it is really hard to speak up. It’s hard to speak up because maybe we have tried to speak up in the past and it didn’t go well. It’s hard to speak up because we fear that if we do, we could upset the other person. Maybe we hesitate to speak up because we think that our ideas will be rejected, we’ll sound “stupid”, or we might be embarrassed. Sometimes we don’t speak up because we think that it won’t truly make a difference.

At ROX, we are committed to creating spaces where girls can speak up. Where they have opportunities to learn, grow, connect and understand. Where they can explore their similarities – and their differences – in a safe environment.

Because we know that there is no singular experience of being a girl today and that not all girls experience the world in the same way. Creating connections, support and understanding across difference means that we must intentionally create environments for girls – and for grown-ups – to be curious, to ask questions, to challenge misconceptions and to seek understanding.

No one changes their mind or opens their heart to a new opinion or perspective as a result of being humiliated, made fun of or demeaned. When you give people the chance to connect with one another, face-to-face, in a safe environment where they can authentically share themselves, they have the chance to have an emotional connection. When we see one another's shared humanity, we can see one another in a new light.

But these connections don’t happen without contact and without sharing an experience. Nor do they happen without honesty and authenticity. So we have a responsibility to ourselves – and to the people and causes that we care about – to be brave, honest and authentic.


We have a responsibility to one another to create spaces where others can “speak for themselves”.

As we continue to celebrate the bravery, honor, authenticity and commitment of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we share our organizational commitment to creating more equitable environments, encouraging more empowered voices, and providing safe opportunities to explore and learn.

Thank you for being part of this work.


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