ROX trains and certifies women with a state-issued license in counseling, social work or education to become ROX Facilitators and deliver our evidence-based curriculum.
Apply to attend ROX Facilitator Certification (virtual, hybrid or in-person). The 3-Day training engages participants in the research and lived experiences of girls and certifies participants to implement the ROX Program for Girls.
2025-2026 ROX Facilitator Certification Trainings
Days 1, 2, & 3 in Columbus, OH
July 23,24,25 (Wed, Thur, Fri) - 9:00am-3:30pm EST
Oct 8,9,10 (Wed, Thur, Fri) - 9:00am-3:30pm EST
Dec 3,4,5 (Wed, Thur, Fri) - 9:00am-3:30pm EST
Days 1, 2, & 3 on Zoom
Aug 4,6,8 (Mon, Wed, Fri) - 10:00am-4:30pm EST
Sep 22,24,26 (Mon, Wed, Fri) - 10:00am-4:30pm EST
Nov 10,12,14 (Mon, Wed, Fri) - 10:00am-4:30pm EST
Jan 6,8,9 (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - 10:00am-4:30pm EST
Days 1 on Zoom, Days 2 & 3 in Columbus, OH
Sep 9,11,12 (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - 9:00am-3:30pm EST
Jan 13,15,16 (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - 9:00am-3:30pm EST
How to Become a ROX Facilitator:
1. Apply
Submit your application to become a ROX Program Facilitator.
2. Train
Attend a three-day training online or in-person at ROX HQ in Columbus, Ohio.
3. Empower
Teach girls the skills to resolve conflict, navigate social media & respond to pressure.
*The Dr. Patty Diversity Fellowship is designed exclusively for women of color who share a passion for working with girls and value leadership, mentorship and professional growth. The Fellowship includes ROX Facilitator Certification Training and full funding for two years program implementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Licensed school counselors, social workers, educators, and psychologists who identify as female are eligible to facilitate The ROX Program for Girls.
Eligible candidates must submit an application to complete the 3-Day Training that prepares and certifies facilitators to run The ROX Program for Girls (Virtual and in-person training options available).
School districts and community organizations invest $1,600 to start their ROX Program. This covers the 3-Day Certification Training and up to 10 Girls in your first ROX Program. Each group includes:
20-Lesson Curriculum & ROX swag for each participant
School-Specific Data Collection
Parent Engagement Resources
Ongoing ROX Support & Professional Development
Access to professional network of women
Please contact Angel Mensing at angelmensing@rulingourexperiences.com to ask about scholarship opportunities.
Yes! We help you determine how to get ROX funded at your site. If you have the passion, we have the commitment to helping you start ROX programming. Please contact Angel Mensing at angelmensing@rulingourexperiences.com to ask about scholarship opportunities.
85% of ROX sites throughout the country are supported through state/federal funding allocations, district initiatives or principal discretionary funds.
ROX is funded through Esser Funds, Wellness Initiatives, Title I or Title IV, district and counseling budgets, PTAs, grants and education foundations.
Generous donations from community and corporate partners are invested in ROX Programs to offset program fees and provide scholarship support to qualifying new sites.
The curriculum is aligned with ASCA Student Standards and may function as a component of your school’s social and emotional learning (SEL) standards, RTI, PBIS, positive school climate or Whole Child initiatives.
In addition, ROX is committed to ensuring that girls have access to diverse female leaders and role models who can guide and support them along their journeys. The Dr. Patty Diversity Fellowship identifies female school counselors, social workers and educators of color who share a passion for working with girls.
Girls are struggling with low self-confidence, having difficulty managing stress, pressure and anxiety, lacking representation in STEM and AP courses, managing intense conflict with other girls and attempting to navigate social media. These challenges are holding girls back from reaching their full potential.
As the national leader in research and programming focused on girls, ROX provides support, motivation, connection and education to girls in the areas of their lives where and when they need it most. Grounded in research and professionally delivered, the ROX Program for Girls addresses the non-academic needs of female students in communities across the U.S.
We can’t wait to hear from you! Call Nancy Willis, Program Director, at (614) 488-8080 ext. 2 or email nancywillis@rulingourexperiences.com