Your go-to resource for raising today’s girls
Practical strategies to help your girls succeed in relationships, academics, careers and life.
✔ Strengthen your relationship
✔ Build her confidence
✔ Understand girls’ experiences
Raising & Inspiring GIrls is Harder Than EVer.
79% say they’re under so much pressure they feel like they’re going to “explode.”
67% of girls say that most girls are in competition with one another.
Girls’ social media use is correlated with negative body image & lower confidence.
Extreme sadness and depression has tripled in 5th-6th grade girls since 2017.
— The Girls’ Index™ 2023, by Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX)
Helping You Help Girls
At ROX, we study girls’ unique experiences and use that data to help parents, guardians, mentors and coaches better cultivate confidence in girls.
Understand girls’ experiences
Gain insights into girls’ realities from our ongoing national research.
Strengthen your relationship
Find out how to open the lines of communication with girls through bite-sized content.
Build her confidence
Use our proven, practical strategies to help her succeed in relationships, academics and life.
Families Value ROX
“I know I will cling to these resources for years to come as my girls navigate into and through adolescence.”
“I wish the adults in my life had read this when I was in middle school. It could have changed my life!”
“This was extremely helpful. I always learn something new when I access ROX resources.”

Free resources, rooted in research, for the adults in girls’ lives. Learn how to: start the conversation, build your connection, and cultivate her confidence.
Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life is the go-to book on girls, used by parents and teachers, alike.
How to Get Started:
1. Subscribe
Sign-up for our emails to get tips sent straight to your inbox.
2. Build Your Connection
Put our tips into action to start the conversation & strengthen your relationship.
3. Help Her Shine
Support girls through the challenges of adolescence.